All Eyes on Automation Event


How much does the ticket cost?

The event ticket costs 179€ and is valid for both days of the event. 

Purchase Tickets

Do the tickets include VAT?

The published tickets are excluding VAT. This is payable at point of purchase. 

How can I register?

Please click on the button below to purchase your tickets via our Event page.

Here you can purchase tickets by following the directions and complete your booking.  

If you have any issues during the registration process, please contact [email protected].

Purchase Tickets

Can I register more than one person?

Yes, when purchasing your tickets, you can register up to five delegates per purchase. In the ticket information fields you can enter the personal details of each attendee. 

What can I do if I encounter a problem during the registration process?

Please contact [email protected] for support.

Contact us

Can I amend the details that I submitted in the registration form?

Yes, please contact [email protected] for support to any changes regarding your registration details up to one week before the event. 

Can I pay via invoice?

Yes, please contact [email protected] for assistance. If you wish to pay via bank transfer/invoice, please do not sign up through the event page and instead, send your request before 15th October in order to be processed on time.  

Will there be any evening events?

Yes, there will be an evening drinks reception on Day 1 (6th November).

Can I cancel my ticket after purchase?

No, all tickets are non-refundable.

Can I attend the event virtually?

No, the event is in-person only.

In which language will the event be carried out?

In English.

Will food be provided?

Roboyo will provide food and soft drinks for delegates throughout the event. Plus, drinks will be available at the evening reception. 

At what time does the event start and finish?

Currently our Agenda is in progress, we will continue to update the website with further information. As of now we have estimated that registration will be open at 8:00 each day with the Welcome Keynote starting at 10:00.  

The first day will finish between 17:00 and 18:00, and the second day around 15:00. 

Kindly note that these times are subject to change.

Can I register at the event?

No, registration prior to the event is required.

When will I get my badge?

When you arrive at the Registration desk on-site, we will issue you with a name badge for the event.

Will there be Wi-Fi at the event?

Yes, there will be Wi-Fi available. 

99 Days
99 Hours
99 Minutes
99 Seconds